عقوبة الرجم / محمد اللحيدان :
Stoning Punishment
Stoning is a severe penalty. Islam knows how horrible it is, but sees a high value in virtue that must be protected. Islam aims to prevent endurance of innocent children who suffer in life; for not having a good mother and father who take care of them. Yet, Islam, practically, does not want this penalty to be applied, and I will clarify this later
? For whom this Punishment
This penalty is regarding the marital infidelity, and both men and women will have this penalty alike. If a husband or a wife commits adultery then he or she deserves this penalty. But in case a man or a woman is unmarried, then they have a different penalty
Islam does not want to apply this punishment:
Though Islam imposes this penalty, yet Islam avoids applying it, for instance
A man came to the Prophet Mohammad (may peace be upon him) and confessed that he committed adultery. The Prophet turned away from him, but the man repeated that he committed adultery. Again, the Prophet turned away until the man did that four times, and as he testified four times against himself, the Prophet asked him: "Are you mad?" The man answered: "No." the prophet asked: "Are you married?" The man answered: "Yes." Then the Prophet said: "perhaps you just kissed her." the man said: "no I committed adultery." and then the Prophet said: "maybe you have just cuddled her." the man said: "no I have committed adultery." The Prophet was trying to dismiss the man in order not to punish him
-when they started the penalty, the man escaped but they caught him and punished him. When they told the Prophet what had happened he said:"Why you did not leave him so he may repent and God may forgive him." Thus, we find Prophet Mohammed preferring him to escape
- Furthermore, we notice that the Prophet did not ask the man about the woman who shared him the sin
- Practically, Islam does not want this penalty to be applied; hence, Islam puts almost impossible conditions in order to apply it. Either the guilty confesses his sin without coercion, or a testimony of four men who witnessed the adultery, and that is almost impossible
Purification, not contempt:
We may wonder what has prompted the man to confess his sin to the Prophet. The reason is that Islam does not consider this penalty as a contempt but rather purification. However, it is preferable in Islam to repent to Allah instead of informing others about his sin, unless the guilty person is asked for trail
In conclusion, we find this penalty is limited to a particular case, and not for all adulterers, and this penalty is for men or women alike
Islam has found many obstacles to prevent marital infidelity and penalty is merely a final step to protect society and prevent the existence of innocent children as a result of an illegitimate affair. who have no parents
Some people criticize this penalty, though it exists theoretically and rarely exists practically. However, many criticize the numerous incidence of adultery in some communities
The relationship between us should not be in tension due to a particular matter, which is accepted in our society, and which has nothing to do with our dealing with each other. Again, we confirm that over centuries, applying this penalty has been limited and for the reasons mentioned above
Sure, you may not accept this penalty in your society; however, both of us should respect the other's cultural background. Islam is the religion of mercy and peace, in order to understand it, you should look at it in a subjective and a comprehensive manner
بارك الله فيج